On Thursday, November 16, 2023, the exhibition of the finalist’s art pieces and the Gala of the “Anioły rzemiosła” (Angels of Crafts) competition took place – a competition organized on the initiative of Izabela Łapińska. It is the first initiative in contemporary Poland, the aim of which is to support artists-craftsmen through the institution of patronage. The Gala itself was an exquisite event at the Palace on the Water in the Royal Łazienki Park – the summer residence of the last king of Poland. It was there that the famous “Thursday Dinners” took place with King Stanisław August Poniatowski – a famous patron of art and science.

With great pleasure and pride I would lile to inform, that I was announced as the winner of the competition in the field of “Goldsmithing and jewellery”. I feel even more honored with this title when I know what other talented people took part in this competition, and in the finals I met Marta Norenberg, Bartosz Chmielewski, Joanna Komorowska, Monika Tomaszewska, Monika Kalla. I accept this victory with modesty, gratitude and respect for my competitors. The truth is that it happened at a point in my life when I really needed it. It is like the wind which gust I felt “in my wings”.

Finalists and winners of the “Angels of Crafts” 2023 competition, Gala at the “Palace on the Water” in Łazienki Królewskie, November 16, 2023

I would like to thank the entire jury (Marianna Otmianowska, Stanisław Baj, Rafał Olbiński, Tomasz Górnicki, Robert Wolański, Marek Straszewski) and the patrons – the title angels – (especially Dom Development, which became the patron of my category) and Ms Izabela Łapińska herself, without whom this event would not have happened.

The author of the photo of my winning piece, “Sagittarius”, is Łukasz Opaliński.

“Sagittarius” necklace


Iwona Tamborska- the winner of the “Angels of Crafts” 2023 competition in the “Goldsmithing, jewellery” category

Unfortunately, I don’t have many photos from the exhibition and Gala because of the excitement and we didn’t think about taking pictures until the event was almost over. You can see my stress and tiredness (on standby from 9 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.).

If anyone wants to see more photos from the event, a catalog has appeared https://akpa.pl/foto/wydarzenia/gala-finalowa-konkursu-anioly-rzemiosla_70256?width=1519&pageID=1