Dandelion and mouse – pendant

The third in a series of three harvest mice, which collects seeds from a dandelion. It is a project that I carried out with passion, at a time when I didn’t have much time for myself and for creative work. Whenever I found a moment, I was immersed in the realization of this beautiful, small form, which is technically very difficult at the same time. Since I am a lover of all mice and hamster-like creatures, carving it was preceded by a series of sketches teaching me to understand the shape of such a rodent.

In this version, the mouse climbs to the dandelion head, which is made of a beautiful specimen of phantom quartz. It is framed in a style referring to the other dandelions in the series. The mouse holds a single dandelion seed in its paws, making up for its stabilization with a tail wrapped around the stem. The surface of the stone setting is diamonted, the mouse is covered with black rhodium.

Silver 925

Weight: 21.3 g

Dimensions: 7.5 cm x 2.5 cm, depth. 1.5 cm
