Triptych – bracelet

12 000,00 

In this piece I wanted to create a story about a surreal, magical land, where flight comes naturally to its inhabitants. Flying has always been present in my dreams and artwork, as were insects. The jewelry is a scene, where all three pieces (bracelet, ring and a thimble) play a part.

The center of all is the ring – a magical flying island with a bottle of honey. The real honey is the most favorite thing for all insects. That is why all the creatures in this work are racing to get it. Some of the insects are ridden by tiny people, who are also trying to get to the honey or are trying to protect the honey. It is a contest. It will be most likely won by the rider on the biggest beetle (bracelet).  The rider of the butterfly (thimble) does not want to take part in the race, but doesn’t know that the Fate is controlling his destiny in this story. The Fate is represented by the face on the bottom of the thimble.

This piece was one of five finalists in one of the most famous world’s jewellery contests “Saul Bell Design Award” 2017. It was also exhibited in Tokio, during “Silver Accessories Contest 2016”,  in the Guizhou (2018) and Yunnan (2021) National Museum of China during the “Beauty trapped in time” exhibition, Bijorhca exhibition in Paris, during the “Fairy tales written with silver” exhibition in the Distrcit Museum in Toruń, Poland (2023).

Triptych has also been published in “Wedding” magazine and was main theme of one of Quality Pixels Photography photoshoots.

The silver jewelry is gold plated, the insects are decorated with moonstones (flying beetles) and an amber (smaller beetle). The glass bottle was custom made for this design and engraved with a diamond drill to match the whole design. The flowers, butterflies and the top part of the bracelet are chemically coloured. The bracelet is also decorated with an amber and a garnet. The bottom of the ring is adorned with a (hand-cut by me) amber.

More about the inspiration behind this jewelry piece is written on my blog