We’re all broken inside

Gold-plated silver necklace, that on the first glance seems to have the art-nouveau elegance and harmonic line. But on the second look the details reveil cracks, holes, spider webs, insects and tiny human being crawled in his solitude. It is the metaphor, that no real beauty comes without a cost and the inside pain (and cracks) in person’s life. It is, after all, what makes the imperfection perfect (wabi-sabi ).

The bottom glass bulb is filled with raspberry juice (child memmories), the cage holds an amber, the thistles are enamelled, the moon is adorned with synthetic sapphires. The cords are made of faceted citrines. The big, faceted stone is a mystery, as I found it in my treasure box and had no idea where it came from.

Dimensions: Width 17.5 cm, height 14 cm, necklace total length 31 cm

This necklace was exhibited in the Guizhou National Museum of China

