Custom orders

I make jewellery, that is dedicated especially for one person. Sometimes it is created especially to celebrate an important moment in Client’s life, sometimes because She/He has always been dreaming of owning such a special object.

Please kindly note that I do not make copies of someone else’s work or implement someone else’s projects.

The creation of an especially designed item is preceded by a long conversation with the future Owner, which helps me understand more about Her/His character and aesthetic preferences. Such jewellery object is unique, special and only one in the whole world. And it will always stay like that.

The jewellery is made with the thought of the future Owner. Its style, colour, material – everything will be chosen especially for the person, who will wear it.

This kind of works are designed especially for one person, based on the information about Her/His taste, passions, sensitivity to beauty. Therefore what is created is as original as the person, who will become its Owner.

I don’t repeat the designs, that have been made as a special order.

The process of searching for the appropriate form of ordered jewelry begins with the payment of the amount of 25 euro + VAT by the customer to see the concept drawn. The initial search for a shape is usually based on the presentation of several (about 3) design concepts. On their basis, the client may indicate one selected proposal or ask for the last proposal to be drawn, which will contain the corrections indicated by her/him. This selected, drawn form is attached to the ordered jewelry as a gift.

To learn more about the possibility of creating such jewelry, please refer to the Order Regulations.

Important information for me:

– What kind of music do you listen to?

– What is your favorite painter / sculptor / visual artist – anything that will tell me your aesthetic likes

– Can I ask you to send pictures of something that you find beautiful?

– Can the work contain any stones? If so, can they be raw (uncut) or better ground?

– If the work may contain stones, what will the price range from: diamonds / sapphires / rubies or more grenades / amethysts / labradorites?

– Do you have a favorite color that you would like to incorporate into the object?

– Can I use a theme – e.g. animal? However, would you prefer the object to be neutral, with no visible references to animals / plants / symbols?

Below is a short film, that shows the process of creating a custom ordered jewellery.

Midsummer Night Dream – a necklace for Mrs. Wiltshire