Special Pieces


Jewellery collection, that has been made within several years and which I find the most important and with the biggest impact in my creative workfield. Each of these works is special and usually tells some deeper story. Some of those pieces have been exhibited in National Museums in China, Galleries in Paris, Tokio, some have been awarded in international jewellery contests and some have been made as a special order and belong to my Client’s private collections.

Inside Story

This work is a awarded with a title of the BeadShow (USA) jewelry contest’s finalist. It was also presented during Amberif fairs in Gdańsk. 

The main concept and inspiration behind this necklace was my drawing in surrealist style. It tells a story of beauty, imagination and innocence that all of us have inside and how easy it can be hurt by those, who are greedily attracted by those features.

The innocence is represented by 2 people inside the rose, who are awakening. They are protected by a spiral cord, that also pierces through a hand, which is trying to get the rose, causing it to bleed (garnets). To the left from the rose is a pack of winged spheres, that are guarding the key-hole: the entrance to this universe. There is a tiny human trying to get to that hole from the top. The key to the rose is in fact held by a dragonfly-like creature, which is ridden by an archer. They are also protectors of this delicate imagination land.

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This necklace was inspired by a photo from the “Wonderland” series by Kirsty Mitchell. This piece was exhibited in the National Museum in Kunming (China), 2017 and was selected for an exhibition in the Precious Gallery during BIJORHCA Paris 2018 – the biggest jewellery fairs in France. The jewellery sketch, which was made during the creation of this necklace, has been selected to the French catalogue (international jewellery designer’s directory): “DuoDeci Paris”.

The center is a woman’s face, which I decided to sculpt in porcelain. She is surrounded by silver butterflies. I wanted for this piece to have a certain nostalgia and mystery, although the butterflies are often associated with happiness and lightness.

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This piece was one of five finalists in one of the world’s most famous jewellery contests- “Saul Bell Design Award” 2017. It was also exhibited in Tokio, during the “Silver Accessories Contest 2016” and in the Guizhou National Museum of China during the “Beauty trapped in time” exhibition. It was also chosen for print in a French catalogue (international jewellery designer’s directory): “DuoDeci Paris”. 

Triptych has also been published in “Wedding” magazine and was main theme of one of Quality Pixels Photography photoshoots.

The jewelry was inspired by an old Russian fairytale book. It creates a scene, where all three pieces (bracelet, ring and the thimble) play a part.The ring is a magical flying island with a bottle of real honey, which plays the role of a treasure. All the creatures in this work are racing to get it. The rider of the butterfly (thimble) does not want to take part in the race, but doesn’t know that the Fate is controlling her destiny in this story. The Fate is represented by the face on the bottom of the thimble.

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Stellar Hub


This bracelet was inspired by a picture of a „stellar nurcery” – a place in the universe, where stars are born.It’s a place with massive amount of gass and dust (basically a cloud). If the gravity of those will become significant enough to pull in the dust and gas from the cloud, then the material trapped by gravity will collapse into itself and form a sort of ball that will start to rotate. This is how a protostar is formed. It will gain more mass, rotate faster, achieve extremely high temperatures and start burning the hydrogen from the gas cloud and produce energy and – with time – other heavier elements from the periodic table.

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We’re all broken inside


This necklace was exhibited in the National Museum of China (Guizhou) during Polish jewellery exhibition “Beauty trapped in time” 2018.

Gold-plated silver necklace, that on the first glance seems to have the art-nouveau elegance and harmonic line. But on the second look the details reveil cracks, holes, spider webs, insects and tiny human being crawled in his solitude. It is the metaphor, that no real beauty comes without a cost and the inside pain (and cracks) in person’s life. It is, after all, what makes the imperfection perfect (wabi-sabi ).

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Sea Foam 2


Custom made silver set, based on my previous work (Sea Foam bracelet). It combines the idea of a damaged net or a cluster of sea foam bubbles with various marine creatures (octopus, 3 manta rays, fish, snails) on a bracelet. It creates a set with a ring adorned with a large shell, around which circles a sailing ship, that is under attack by a giant octopus.

The bracelet is adorned with pearls and an amber.