Before I would be ready to show some new works that are very slowly being created in my workshop, between the storms of my life that tear my time, I can boast of a publication in the encyclopedia of Polish goldsmiths – this is a project by the Art Gallery in Legnica.

More about the project itself: “From tradition to contemporary design. Phenomena, concepts and creators of contemporary Polish jewelery ”co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The collected information on the professional and artistic development of Polish authors of original jewelery was used to create an incomplete, but the first (!) database of jewelery makers operating in Poland after 1945. It is constantly updated and now has over 600 names and includes descriptions of artistic achievements and photos of selected works.


The entry about my person can be found at this link 

As you can read in the project description: “Polish jewelry is a unique phenomenon – for several decades developing in isolation from global trends, it has developed its own solutions and followed its own paths. It is still mainly based on silver, but it is not the material that makes it unique, but the innovation of projects and the courage of its creators, for experimenting with materials and forms, combining functionality and a small work of art, as well as the author’s message contained in it. Although it was influenced by strong globalization and commercialization, it retained its unique character. Therefore, jewelery as a phenomenon and its creators as talented artists deserve to be promoted.”