Hera – button from the series “Gods of Olympus”
Hera – Greek goddess of heaven and fertility, patroness of motherhood, marriage, beauty and family. She was also the wife of Zeus and queen of all gods. She travelled in a chariot drawn by peacocks, which are her symbol.
She was a beautiful, haughty, dignified and royally majestic woman with large, dark eyes.
In the crown above her forehead is placed an Ethiopian opal, which multi-coloured, changing shine is associated with a peacock feather.
Shape of the button – peacock feather
Weight: 3.8 g
Dimensions – 2 cm x 1.6 cm
Silver 925
Bogowie Olimpu
W mitologii greckiej bogowie sprawujący władzę nad światem i życiem ludzkim mieszkali na szczycie góry Olimp. Było ich 12: Zeus, Hera, Posejdon, Hermes, Hefajstos, Atena, Ares, Artemida, Apollo, Afrodyta, Demeter, Hades.
Byli oni inspiracją do stworzenia 12 guzików zdobionych odpowiedni kamieniami korespondującymi z danym bogiem.